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Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications
10th Anniversary 9/11 Tribute Boeing 747-8i ZipDive!  Download

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This will only work on the PMDG 747-8X. That means you must first own the 747-400x and buy the -8 expansion. This is the only aircraft this size and textures allowing this project to succeed so there will not be anymore of this version and it's only for the 747-8x. This paint took me literally hundreds of hours. It's the hardest yet most rewarding effort I've ever done in a paint. It's the 10th Anniversary 9/11 Tribute. It has EVERY name of all that died that day. The names of the WTC victims are on the fuselage. The names of the Pentagon casualties are on the Right side tail. The engines have the aircraft broken down from flight crew and passengers. Keep in mind there are 4 sides to paint in the kit but 8 sides of a 4 engine plane in the sim. Therefore there are two of each and nothing anyone can do about. Dedicated to all those that are missing their loved ones, all that died that day (and injured), and all the brave men and women that risked their lives and paid the highest of prices.

Filename: texture.10_292415.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 9th September 2011, 09:57:54
Downloads: 792
Author: Dan Prunier
Size: 7458kb

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