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Category: Flight Simulator X - AFCAD Files
Linden Airport (KLDJ), NJ v1.1 ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Located 01 miles SE of Linden, New Jersey on 188 acres of land, Linden Airport is a public asphalt strip 4137' in length. Numerous changes have been made to this airport to bring it closer to its real-life counterpart including proper non-precision runway markings for R09 while only basic markings are used for R27; The 4-box VASI has been accurately located; the traffic pattern height has been adjusted; All 130 tiedown locations have been accurately placed. RAMP_GA spots are taken by static aircraft (all of which have collision disabled) so they should not be selected unless you want to start inside another aircraft! RAMP_GA_SMALL spots can be occupied by aircraft with wingspans up to 40 feet and RAMP_GA_MEDIUM spots can be occupied by aircraft with wingspans up to 60 feet. There are 4 open hangars labeled as GA_DOCK. The main hangar (NW Parking) can hold aircraft with wingspans up to 60 feet. The three smaller hangars (SW Parking) can hold aircraft with wingspans up to 35 feet. The W Helipad start location will put you in front of the smaller main tarmac hangar within the coned-off section. Fuel is only available by taxiing to a stop in front of either fuel tank to the west of the main tarmac. No AI aircraft will spawn in the SW Parking area. Scenery constructed with use of satellite images/streetview/aerial photos - the author has not been there in person. This scenery is meant to be used in conjunction with MegaScenery Earth New York 005. It is not required, but apron use is minimized to allow satellite scenery to show through as much as possible, and objects are placed based on the MSE textures - lack of it may make scenery look out of place.

Filename: kldjv1.1.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 28th June 2011, 00:03:41
Downloads: 511
Author: Drew Sikora
Size: 1251kb

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