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Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
HTMS Moshi ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Googly scenery for Moshi (ICAO: HTMS), a small airport serving the town of the same name located in the lower slopes of Africa's highest mountain - Mount Kilamanjaro. The town boasts good quality education and medical facilities, and industry includes production of fizzy drinks, beer, flour, animal feed and furniture, but surprisingly little tourism activity has been developed here so much of the traffic at this airport is unscheduled and charter work using smaller aircraft. Microsoft have only provided wrongly-positioned runways at this airport in Flight Simulator 2004 and this scenery seeks to redress the situation so that you and your "AI" traffic can use the airport. The scenery does not purport to be ultra-accurate. Based on high quality satellite imagery from Google Earth, the layout is proportionally correct but the added airport features, such as buildings, are built from default Microsoft objects and add-on libraries so will not look exactly like the real thing. You are not obliged to download and install any additional scenery libraries, but to enjoy this scenery in its entirety, you may wish to. It will work fine, with or without.

Filename: htms.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 12th October 2008, 10:22:59
Downloads: 1077
Author: John Hinson
Size: 62kb

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