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Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 6; Shungnak SHG ZipDive!  Download

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There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is a continuation of the series for the flights from Kotzebue, 150 miles to the east where Shungnak is on the bank of the Kobuk River. The next addition will be a few miles further east, Kobuk and a strip just to the north of Kobuk. Shungnak is a small village, like Ambler, with a population of around 260 beside the Kobuk River, the river being the reason for the existance of the villages as it served (and still does) as both a source of food and a transport route. The airfield is just beside the village, with a runway around 4,000 feet of lit gravel and aligned 09-27, with PAPI on both ends. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Kotzebue and routing east to Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk, and then back again. The AI includes these flights along with Everts Air and GA.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_6.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 12th October 2016, 23:18:32
Downloads: 199
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 2112kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 5; Ambler PAFM ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is a continuation of the series for the flights from Kotzebue, 130 miles to the east to Ambler on the bank of the Kobuk River. The next additions will be a few miles further east, Shungnak and Kobuk, and a small strip just to the north of Kobuk. Ambler is a small village (population now around 260) beside the Kobuk River, the river being the reason for the existance of the village as it served (and still does) as both a source of food and a transport route. The airfield is just north of the village, with two runways, each around 3,500 feet of lit gravel and aligned 36-18 and 09-27, with PAPI on 36. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Kotzebue and routing east to Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk, and then back again. The AI includes these flights along with Everts Air and GA. There are revisions to Kotzbue to provide more parking.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_5.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 11th October 2016, 23:26:52
Downloads: 195
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 4397kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 4; Selawik PASK ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel. This series is for the flights from and around Kotzebue, mostly on the South Slope of the Brooks Range of mountains. There will be further additions. Selawik is a village (population now around 760) around 75 miles east of Kotzebue on three of the delta islands of the Selawik River where it flows into Selawik Lake. The delta forms part of the Selawik National Wildlife Refuge for migratory birds. The airfield is just next to the village, with two runways, 3,450 feet of lit gravel aligned 03-21 and 3,100 feet of gravel aligned 09-27. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Kotzebue and routing east to Noorvik, Kiana, Selawik, etc, and then back again. The AI includes these flights along with Everts Air and GA.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_4_358647.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 9th October 2016, 04:17:52
Downloads: 203
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 4620kb

Category: Flight Simulator X - Scenery
Aerodrome de Brioude LFHR ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
In France, at the South of Clermond-Ferrand an aiport for GA and gliders.

Filename: lfhr.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 1st October 2016, 15:56:17
Downloads: 586
Author: Jean-Pierre Kozerawski
Size: 11758kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 3; Kiana PAIK ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
The town of Kotzebue is in the far northwest of Alaska, and served by Alaska Airlines. These are villages to the (mostly) east of Kotzebue on the South Slope of the Brooks Range of mountains, served by local flights from Kotzebue. There will be further additions. Kiana is a small village (population now around 360) on the bank of the Kobuk River, around 60 miles east of Kotzebue. The airfield, called Baker Memorial, is just north of the village, with 4,000 feet of lit gravel aligned 06-24 (as are several other runways in the area) with PAPI on 24. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Kotzebue and routing east to Noorvik, Kiana, Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk, and then back again. The AI includes these flights along with Everts Air and Northern Air Cargo flights and GA. In real life the runway is around 200 yards closer to the village; this complicated the removal of roads and revised ground textures so I left it as is to make my life easier. The post includes missing night textures that were omitted from the post of Noatak PAWN. Noatak also has incorrectly installed original FS9 taxiway lights that were, as a result, impossible to remove. I had hoped to somehow manage it, but there is no way.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_3.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 7th September 2016, 22:00:17
Downloads: 201
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 4786kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 2 - Noorvik ORV in AK US ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
The town of Kotzebue is in the far northwest of Alaska, and these are villages to the north and the east of Kotzebue on the South Slope of the Brooks Range of mountains. There will be further additions. Noorvik is a small village (population now around 670) on the bank of the Kobuk River, around 50 miles east of Kotzebue. The new airfield is 1 mile south of the village; there is a short runway immediately south of the town that is now closed but is not marked as such and appears to be usable; this will still be listed in FS9 when you are presented with a choice of runways but is not connected in any way to the new airfield so ignore it. The new ORV runway has 4,000 feet of lit gravel aligned 06-24. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Kotzebue and routing east to Noorvik, Kiana, Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk, and then back again. The AI includes these flights (eventually) plus perhaps an Everts Air cargo flight and GA.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_2.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 4th September 2016, 18:20:02
Downloads: 211
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 4170kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 1: Noatak PAWN in AK, US ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
The town of Kotzebue is in the far northwest of Alaska, and these are villages to the north and then the east of Kotzebue on the South Slope of the Brooks Range of mountains. There will be further additions. Noatak is a small village (population now around 520 and rising) on the west bank of the Noatak River, around 50 miles north of Kotzebue. It is on the edge of the Noatak National Preserve and as the only village on the river is the centre for fishing, rafting, canoe, and other types of outdoor expeditions. The airfield has almost 5,000 feet of lit gravel just south of the town, aligned 18-36. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Kotzebue and routing north to Noatak, Kivalina, Point Hope, and then back again. The AI includes these flights plus a daily Everts Air cargo flight and GA. There are new bgl's for Kotzebue; the development of the northern and eastern AI meant that more dedicated parking spaces were needed at Kotzebue. The two new Bering Air planes are as listed in the AI folder, and there is also a new Era Cessna 208 to be installed. The next South Slope scenery will be Noorvik ORV, to the east of Kotzebue.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_1.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 2nd September 2016, 20:54:32
Downloads: 240
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 4393kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Kotzebue PAOT on the northwestern coast of Alaska ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which have good airports and are serviced by Alaska Airlines. From these airports local flights connect to nearby villages, "nearby" in Alaska meaning up to 150 miles away. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel. The town of Kotzbue is north of the Bering Strait on the northwestern coast, 320 miles southwest of Barrow. The population is just over 3,000 people. The location was for a long time a base for trading in furs, with three rivers emptying into the sea and providing routes into the interior land and villages; a meeting place between hunters and traders from Russia and elsewhere. The Kotzebue airport is called the Ralph Wien Memorial and has two runways. The modern one is aligned 08-26 and is 5,880 feet of 150 feet wide asphalt built across a shallow lagoon, with an ILS on 08 and PAPI on both ends. The second and older runway is originally military and gravel, aligned 17-35 and 3,786 feet long and used (wind allowing) by the GA planes that park alongside the runway. The prevalent wind is from the west; when the wind is from the east it is generally relatively feeble and with a much lower cloud base, possibly to the ground, hence the need for an ILS. All AI aircraft in FS9 much prefer to use a runway that has an ILS and so will continue to use 08-26 even if the wind is from the south until it reaches 30+ knots, even if they are a Cessna 150 flying VFR. So for AI realism in FS9 a northern or southern wind needs to be a strong one so that the runway is actually used. However, as Alaska Airlines, Northern Air Cargo, and Everts Air also fly to Kotzebue and can only use the east-west runway (as less than 4,000 feet of asphalt would be seriously inconvenient for a Boing 737 or DC6) it is necessary to have the northern or southern wind UNDER 30 knots at the times when they are landing or taking off. Your choice. I suppose a permanent strong wind from the west would be the most realistic on a daily basis, deterring all planes from ever using 17-35. The AI will develop along with further scenery additions in the neighbourhood.

Filename: kotzebue_ak.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 2nd August 2016, 16:47:52
Downloads: 434
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 20432kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska North Slope 10; Kivalina KVL in Alaska ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
The town of Barrow is in the far north of Alaska, and these are coastal villages or radar installations to the west, south, and east of Barrow on the North Slope. There will be further additions. Kivalina is a small village (population around 350) midway in the 150 mile gap between Point Hope to the north and Kotzebue to the south. The village is on a spit of land that is growing smaller and smaller with every year of erosion and the rise of sea level. The runway is 3,500 feet of gravel aligned 12-30 to the north of the village on the same spit. It was expected that 2025 would see the end of both village and runway, and possibly also the natural harbour that is the reason for the village's location. The modified width of the spit shown here is halved from the original FS9, and erosion has continued, enough that a sea defence wall has now been built. The AI has a daily flight by an ERA Alaska Cessna 208B, and some GA; read the note about the 208 to be downloaded and/or properly installed.

Filename: alaska_north_slope_10.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 27th July 2016, 21:12:15
Downloads: 227
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 3071kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
PABA - Barter Island (Kaktovik) - Alaska North Slope 8 ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
The town of Barrow is in the far north of Alaska, and these are coastal villages or radar installations to the west, south, and now east of Barrow. There will be further additions. Barter Island is a DEW station Air Force base 310 miles east of Barrow and 75 miles east of Bullen Point. The runway is just under 5,000 feet of gravel and aligned 06-24 on a spit of land at the northeast corner of the island. The big hangar is still there on the apron. Most of the DEW buildings have now been removed but this scenery is dated around 2005 when there were more of them still there. Between the DEW station and the airstrip is the village of Kaktovik, with a population of some 300 mainly traditional Inupiat. The village was first pioneered when the DEW station was built in the 1950's and grew as the years passed. The FS9 error discovered when making this scenery was that FS9 had mistakenly "placed" Kaktovik at Bullen Point (not physically, it was just wrongly stated as the local town); this is now only partly corrected as FS9 refused to accept my Bullen Point revision but allowed me to associate Kaktovik with Barter Island. Kaktovik is definitely on Barter Island. I could also mention that the runway was in the sea, but there isn't much point in that as Bill would say it was all the fault of Ultimate Terrain, so I won't bother. The next DEW station to the east is in Canada and called Komakuk; this has already been made and posted. The next in this series will be far to the west. The AI has daily flights by ERA, plus Northern Air Cargo, and some GA.

Filename: alaska_north_slope_8.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 19th July 2016, 17:49:16
Downloads: 193
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 3606kb

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