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Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications
Gee Bee Z (NR161L) ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Fictional modern paint for the Alabeo Gee Bee Z. There are two versions in the file. One a "sport GA" and the other a racing version of the same scheme.

Filename: wm_gee_bee_z_nr161l.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 13th January 2017, 17:43:38
Downloads: 80
Author: Willy McCoy
Size: 44887kb

Category: Flight Simulator X - Scenery
Bembridge X-HD ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
Bembridge is one of only two airports on the Isle of Wight, it is small but a very picturesque area. This scenery is provided with photo real surround to give you a smoother transition from HD to default scenery. The airport offers pleasure flights for a small fee and of course a flight school operates at the airport. This scenery is perfect for anyone with a love of GA flying, the surrounding photo scenery allows for VFR operations and the airport is accurately placed in the virtual world.Feature include: High definition ground image. High definition ground detailing. Filler objects from "SFC Airfield Objects". Precision placed trees and vehicles. Fuel trucks hidden inside closed hangars. Real water in the pond. Hold short guards. Many static vehicles and details. Accurate BN Aviation hangars. Very low frame impact.

Filename: bembridge2017.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 8th January 2017, 23:55:14
Downloads: 1515
Author: Mark Piccolo - Soarfly Concepts
Size: 31094kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Minstrel Island CAX7 float base in British Columbia, Canada ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
This is the third in a series of new and renovated float bases in BC. Minstrel Island is on the south side of Knight Inlet and 25 miles west of Knight Inlet Lodge (the previous post in this series). There is a resort on the island, though it is hidden from the air by the trees. Fuel and oil are both available at the dock, and there is a 17 feet tidal range, which would be interesting of it could be replicated in FS. The AI is an adaptation of that for CF36 and involves a GA Cessna, and a Seair Beaver flying from Campbell River to Knight Inlet Lodge via Minstrel Island. Again, because of large hills the landing of the AI may or may not take place, depending on wind direction and whether or not they fly into solid rock before landing. Take off and departure will take place. Ultimate Terrain Alaska/Canada would be a definite plus to get the water in the right shape and place. This scenery will not work without it.

Filename: minstrel_island.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 3rd January 2017, 15:38:57
Downloads: 214
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 3706kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
CYCE - James T. Field Memorial at Centralia, Ontario, Canada V1 updated ZipDive!  Download

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This is an updated version of the original post, revising and adding to AI, parking, rear fences, paths from apron to hangar doors, etc. The Lockheed Constellation was downloaded from the web site California Classics, and with the knowledge and permission of Tom Gibson the modified plane is included here complete with its Air Alaska textures and a modified .cfg file so that it will imitate a lightly loaded plane and squeeze the landing run to suit the runway length of 10-28. The airfield is in southern Ontario, 55 miles west of Kitchener and 25 miles northwest of London, close to the shore of Lake Huron. The airfield is ex-military and was previously listed as Huron Airpark before being officially named the James T. Field Memorial; for me it will always be Huron Airpark. The field is owned by Goderich Aircraft Inc, a company that fits out aircraft with new interiors including instrumentation, seating, and paint schemes. Their main customers are business jet owners, which is why the AI here is oriented towards Lear etc. There are now two runways in use, the third being closed and marked as such (though still listed in the AI for you to select one to land on). The main runway is 10-28 and just over 5,000 feet. The second runway is 16-34 and 4,400 feet, with only identification numbers and centreline markings. There appear to be no apron lights, taxiway lights or runway signage currently installed. There is a small club hangar (and club room) adjacent to the main apron at the southern end, with GA parking, and there are two large hangars (one new) used by Goderich at the northern end. The remainder of the original large hangars are now in use as light industrial units unrelated to aviation, the most obvious of which is a garbage collection company with numerous parked garbage trucks. One of the hangars adjacent to the apron does incorporate what appears to be a new set of hangar doors (the red one) but it is unclear if this is actually in use for a plane. The control tower is no longer in use, and there is only limited snow clearance in the winter by Goderich; presumably they only clear it when they need to use it themselves.

Filename: centralia_ontario_v1_updated.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 24th November 2016, 22:20:37
Downloads: 308
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 14686kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 12; Teller K54 ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is the fifth in a series for local flights from Nome, and it is on the coast around 55 miles east of Wales and 55 miles northwest of Nome. There are two other airfields around a large lagoon that is almost totally enclosed from the sea, and Teller is on the easten shore, just 15 miles east of Port Clarence and 5 miles southeast of Brevig Mission, both already posted. Teller has a populaton of around 230, down from the 5,000 or so in the early 1900's after the Bluestone Placer Mine struck gold. Tollef Brevik was a Lutheran missionary who was both a pastor and teacher for the Inuit in the area from 1894 onward, travelling from community to community but based in Teller, where the Teller Mission Church was later renamed the Brevig Mission. The name was later appropriated and used for the curent village of that name; he was surely very well regarded by the local population. Unusually, it is possible to drive from Nome to Teller in summer, on a dirt road. Conversely, the road that shows in FS9 to the north towards Brevig Mission (courtesy of Ultimate Terrain) does not in fact exist except in winter, when it is estabished on the snow by the tyre tracks of users. The airstrip is southeast and 2 miles by road from the main part of the village on the spit, with a gravel runway 02-25 which is 3,500 feet of gravel. The AI is the usual for this area, Bering and ERA with some GA and cargo by Everts.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_12.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 25th October 2016, 21:21:14
Downloads: 222
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 3168kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 11; Brevig Mission KTS ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is the fourth in a series for local flights from Nome, and it is on the coast around 50 miles east of Wales, and 60 miles northwest of Nome. There are two other airfields around a large lagoon that is almost totally enclosed from the sea, and Brevig Mission is on the northern shore, just 12 miles northeast of the already-posted Port Clarence. Brevig Mission has a populaton that has risen to 390 in recent years. Tollef Brevik was a Lutheran missionary who was both a pastor and teacher for the Inuit in the area from 1894 onward, travelling from community to community but based in Teller, 6 miles southeast. the village now called Brevig Mission was founded at a later date (unknown to me) and took his name. The airstrip is just east of the village, with two gravel runways; 11-29 which is 3,600 feet of gravel and 04-22 which is 2,600 feet and with PAPI on 22. The AI is the usual for this area, Bering and ERA with some GA and cargo by Everts.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_11.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 25th October 2016, 20:52:56
Downloads: 189
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 2722kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 9; Wales IWK ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is the second in a series for local flights from Nome, and it is on the furthermost mainland western point of Alaska, Wales IWK. It is 110 miles northwest of Nome and on the eastern shore of the Bering Strait, with a view of the two Diomede Islands. Wales is a small village with a population of only around 145, strung along the beach on a single road. The airfield is at the northwestern end of the village, with a runway of 4,500 feet of lit gravel aligned 35-17 and an apron at the southern end. There are scheduled flights by the usual Era and Bering Air, both of them originating in Nome and also visiting Shishmaref. The AI includes these flights along with Northern Air Cargo and GA. The runway is just long enough to accomodate a DC6 (as is Shishmaref) and I have revised the AI to include this, along with a revision of the parking at Shishmaref. To the southeast of Wales is Tin City, which was built as a base for the support of radar on the hills between the two. The radar is now automatic and unmanned and the base is unused except for the annual maintenance and fuel supply; I have left the airfield untouched but I have added the hilltop radar and the remains of the cable lift, which was used to get the material for the original station up to the top from the beach below.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_9.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 22nd October 2016, 01:26:24
Downloads: 560
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 4001kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 8; Shishmaref PASH ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is the first in a series for flights from Nome, and it is Shishmaref, 125 miles north of Nome on the far side of the Seward Peninsula. Shishmaref is a village on one of a string of islands off the northern shore of the Seward Peninsula, with a population of around 560. Like other similarly-sited villages (Kivalina, for instance) it is feeling the effects of coastal erosion and there are plans for a relocation, eventually. The airfield is just beside the village, with a runway of just under 5,000 feet of lit asphalt aligned 05-23, with PAPI on both ends. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Nome. The AI includes these flights along with Everts Air and GA.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_8.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 20th October 2016, 04:37:02
Downloads: 200
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 2459kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Nome PAOM on the northwestern coast of Alaska ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which have good airports and are serviced by Alaska Airlines. From these airports local flights connect to nearby villages, "nearby" in Alaska meaning up to 200 miles away. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel. The town of Nome is south of the Bering Strait on the southern coast of the Seward Peninsula, around 185 miles south of Kotzebue, with a population of about 3,800. It is the town that led to the creation of the most famous dogsledge race in the world, the Iditarod, which is based on the delivery to Nome of diphtheria serum during the blizzard conditions of the winter of 1925. The Nome airport (it currently has no other name) was originally built as the last of the refuelling airfields for planes being ferried to Russia during WW2. It has two runways, aligned 09-27 and 02-20 in FS9 (the wandering magnetic north has recently renamed the magnetic headings) and both of them around 6,000 feet with an ILS on 27. There is a modern airport layout diagram included showing taxiway names etc. Alaska Airlines, ERA, and Bering Air (which is headquartered in Nome), along with the shared cargo terminal for Northern Air Cargo and Everts Air, are all on the southern apron. The northern apron is mainly for GA, along with maintenance facilities, a garage building that also houses a weather bureau, and at the far northern end of runway 02-20 an apron and hanger for the Alaska Air National Guard. All AI aircraft in FS9 much prefer to use a runway that has an ILS and so will continue to use 09-27 even if the wind is from the north or south, right up until it reaches 30+ knots, so for AI realism in FS9 a permanent wind from the west would be the most realistic on a daily basis. There is also a small gravel strip just north of the town and this is included (94Z), as are some old line-of-sight radio communication reflectors on the hills above the town. There is a note about making adjustments to Ultimate Terrain Alaska-Canada regarding both realistic road lighting and also auto-generation.

Filename: nome_ak.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 18th October 2016, 02:38:42
Downloads: 450
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 24036kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska South Slope 7; Kobuk OBU & Dahl Creek DCK ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is a continuation of the series for the flights from Kotzebue, 170 miles to the east where Kobuk is on the bank of the Kobuk River, and Dahl Creek is 2 miles to the north. Kobuk is a small village on the Kobuk River, like Ambler and Shungnak, but with a population of only around 150. The river is the reason for the existance of the villages as it served (and still does) as both a source of food and a transport route. The airfield is just beside the village, with a runway around 4,500 feet of lit gravel and aligned 09-27, with PAPI on both ends. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Kotzebue and routing east to Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk, and then back again. The AI includes these flights along with Everts Air and GA. The FS9 airfield has been relocated by approximately a mile to the correct position, and the elevation accordingly adjusted. The Dahl Creek strip is publicly owned, with no maintenance and a deteriorating gravel runway that has not long to survive. This probably does not work properly without Ultimate Terrain Alaska Canada as the village is now on the river bank. I am presuming that you have downloaded and installed Nome PAOM, along with the instructions on how to adjust Ultimate Terrain Alaska Canada to get the most realistic results. If you are not making the UT adjustments then you may be seeing duplicated roads, as I am including new local dirt or gravel roads to connect village to airfield etc to get the best overall result; I will not be making alternate versions.

Filename: alaska_south_slope_7.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 13th October 2016, 18:10:08
Downloads: 224
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 3094kb

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