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Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Holland, Michigan - West Michigan Regional Airport - KBIV ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Holland, Michigan has default was inaccurate taxiways and ramp outdated. I created more improvement details. I additional water tower and a few buildings.

Filename: kbiv.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 29th July 2020, 18:48:26
Downloads: 113
Author: Stuart John Gilbert II
Size: 3222kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Kolleroog Koller Wings Funport ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This is the beta release version 0.5 of the fictional Koller Wings home base airport on the cozy little island of Kolleroog, Germany. You can now take your private plane out to the North Sea and experience this cozy little island in FS2004. Built and tested by the toughest members of the Koller Wings virtual airline, the island has become a hide out where you can land your 747, park it and relax in the company-owned swimming pool, eat at Chili's or watch your favorite movie in the first ever Airport Drive-In Cinema in FS2004. Enjoy!

Filename: kollerog.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 16th October 2005, 21:42:02
Downloads: 700
Author: Manuel Heinz
Size: 3212kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alaska North Slope 9; Point Hope PAPO ZipDive!  Download

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The town of Barrow is in the far north of Alaska, and these are coastal villages or radar installations to the west, south, and east of Barrow on the North Slope. There will be further additions. Point Hope is a village on a spit of land that is one of the oldest and continuously inhabited places in all of North America, not just the polar regions. The "Point" is what brought this about, migrating whales passing close to land as they rounded the point, and the traditional way of life continues to this day. The population is now around 670. The airport surpassed all my expectations of FS9. Go look at the area before you install this. The first thing you will notice is that FS9 does not list Point Hope PAPO. The town is there (way too big and in totally the wrong place) and the airport background is there (wrong place of course) but there is no airport! Some buildings, but no runway, no apron, nothing that can be used by a plane?!? In real life the town is 3 miles east of the point, the runway is situated between town and point and, unusually in the north, is asphalt. This is presumably possible because of the gravel make-up of the point itself, with very little vegetable content and the warming sea restricting permafrost movements. 4,000 feet of 75 feet wide asphalt, lit, PAPI at both ends, and aligned 01-19. The building that appears to be wrongly situated away from the apron is like that intentionally; it is a helicopter hangar (not used in winter?) and they presumably did not want the apron traffic to get in their way. The AI has daily flights by ERA, plus Northern Air Cargo, and some GA.

Filename: alaska_north_slope_9.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 25th July 2016, 20:20:35
Downloads: 240
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 3211kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Nulato NUL in Alaska ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
Nulato is a small village on the west bank of the Yukon River, around 8 miles south of where the river turns from north-south to east-west, east being upstream towards the distant Fairbanks. The population is just under 300 and living from fishing and the land. During the late 1800's the village lived by the spin off from gold mining, such as supplying cut wood as fuel for the boats plying the Yukon River. In 1900 a measles epidemic cut the population down by a third, and in the early 1900's the gold mining moved to Nome and Fairbanks, with obvious results for local prosperity. The airfield is close by and has a gravel runway aligned 2-20 and just under 4,500 feet long. Apart from the airfield itself, and it's buildings, this scenery modifies the local land class, adds village buildings while reducing the village size to reality, and creates a new airfield background. Don't ask me about the odd arrangement of the airfield buildings, I have no idea why they are like that. Nulato is served by Wright Air from Fairbanks in the east and this is included in the AI. A note here about my scenery making. This is post number 508 and there will not be many more to follow this as I am almost at the end of the photos I either took or found for scenery purposes. There is a limit to what can be located online and I have already been making use of the little there is; eg Unalakleet. So, if you are near an airport (preferably Canadian or Alaskan) and have a camera..... Let me know.

Filename: nulato_ak.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 25th August 2019, 17:34:25
Downloads: 92
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 3209kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Memphis Municipal Airport 1958 ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
Memphis Municipal Airport circa 1958. To be used with ArkLaMiss scenery or may be used stand alone. Designed with Sketchup & EZ Scenery.

Filename: memphis_58.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 20th May 2010, 09:12:02
Downloads: 133
Author: Paul Young, Tom Gibson
Size: 3201kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Moorea Airport, French Polynesia, NTTM ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This version completely redoes the previous with a more accurate representation of the entire airport. It contains four distinct areas including the main terminal, a fictional sea plane pier and shelter, rudimentary hangars, and some Polynesian huts along with a pier and sail boats in the bay just down from the airport. This Island is the closest to Tahiti, and you can even see the Tahiti airport from it. The other outer Society Islands will be coming soon. It is suggested that you also download the file Fpsimesh.zip, which has been made for FS2004, and provides a very nice alternative to the boring terrain which FS has put in this most beautiful area of the world.

Filename: moorv2.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 11th April 2004, 06:41:34
Downloads: 12456
Author: Bill Melichar
Size: 3201kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Libyan military air bases ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This package contain 25 Libya military airport scenery. For fully functionality you need some object libraries (listed inside). You can download Libyan AI repaints, and flightplans, from this site and from www.militaryaiworks.com. Inside: HL0M AL BUMBAH NORTH, HL0O AL JUFRA, HLLB BENINA [Benghazi], HLLQ EL BEIDA [LABRAQ], HL0L GAMAL ABD EL NASSER [Tobruk], HLTD GHADAMES EAST, HLGT GHAT,HL0B MARTUBAH, HL0V MISURATA, HLLM MITIGA [UMM AITIQAH], HL0W OKBA IBN NAFA, HLLS SEBHA, HLGD SIRTE [Ghurdabiya-Sirte], HLLT GAMAL ABDEL NASSER, HL0E MATAN AS SARRA.

Filename: laraf_scenery.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 20th March 2011, 20:25:45
Downloads: 1691
Author: Luciano Franchini
Size: 3192kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
URRP - Rostov-Na-Donu - Platov, Russia ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
There is a new airport in Rostov-Na-Donu Platov now and closed old airport URRR. There is more detail at a new airport.

Filename: urrp.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 7th August 2018, 12:53:59
Downloads: 374
Author: Stuart John Gilbert II
Size: 3191kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Tacoma Narrows Update ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Tacoma Narrows airport scenery was my first project for fs2002. While I’d incorporated several elements of fs2k2 design techniques into the scenery, I hadn’t yet learned to use dxt1 and dxt1+alpha textures. This upgrade updates the textures and adds autogen. By using these DXT1 textures, Tacoma Narrows now works great in fs2004.

Filename: tacoma_2003.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 3rd September 2003, 20:37:33
Downloads: 3294
Author: Bob Bernstein
Size: 3188kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Bora Bora Airport, French Polynesia, NTTB ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
The Bora Bora airport is located on one of the Motus, which surround the Island of Bora Bora. The Motus are raised coral reefs which act as break waters, and create the beautiful turquoise lagoons which surround the French Polynesian Islands. This scenery is a complete remake of the original, and is now much more accurate as to what the airport looks like. It contains the main terminal, a fire station attached to the tower with fuel tanks, open air hangar structures, two helipads, and wood stairs taking you down to the boat docks where you are transported to the main island. This is one of the most unique French Polynesian Islands with it's beautiful and interesting mountain structure. Using the terrain mesh by Rolf Keibel and John Applegate will tremendously enhance this part of the world in FS. It is available at Flightsim under the name fpsimesh.zip. Afcad by Ray Smith is also included.

Filename: bora2.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 25th April 2004, 01:39:17
Downloads: 19279
Author: Bill Melichar
Size: 3187kb

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