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1962 Update 1D ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
After i have find some news towers facility on the web, for orbiter i have decide to make my how contribution for the community and put hall this new stuff in one Canaveral_1962.cfg Here the news facilitys i have put in the Canaveral_1962.cfg file. Crwaler by (by Damir "slat" Gulesich) Lc14 (projet mercury) by (Brad Hodges, Rob Conley, SimNASA team!) Lc19 (projet gemini) by (Brad Hodges, Rob Conley, SimNASA team!) Lc34 (saturn B1 and apollo7) (Brad Hodges, Rob Conley, SimNASA team!) Lc37A (saturn c1 and c2) by (John Graves) Lc37B (saturn c1 and c2) by (John Graves) Lc39A (apollo 8-9-11-12-13-14-15-16-17) by (John Graves) Lc39B (apollo 10-skylab2-skylab3-skylab4-apollo Soyuz mission)by (John Graves)

Filename: 1962_update1d.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 31st December 2002, 18:32:52
Downloads: 9248
Author: Ronald Dandurand
Size: 796kb

2001 A Space Odyssey v2.3 - Floyd's journey ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
With this add-on, you can recreate Heywood Floyd's journey to the Moon. Launch from Base Alpha Australia, dock to Space StationV then take the Aries to the Moon. This add-on works with Orbiter release 02-12-02. It uses a few 512x512 textures, check that your graphic card is up to the task.

Filename: 2001-aso-v2-3.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 26th February 2003, 03:55:49
Downloads: 5875
Author: Thibault Bernard, Aerostud, Chris Wright, Michael Powell, B.J West, Mauro Biolo
Size: 1911kb

3D-Screens for red/cyan eye glases ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Some 3D Screens from Orbiter for red / cyan eye glasses FILES: *K.jpg - Lines, best 3D-view *M.jpg - Monocrome, verry good 3D-view *C.jpg - Couloured, nice 3D-view How to: 1. download stereo photo maker ( http://stereo.jpn.org/eng/stphmkr/ ) 2. Take 2 screenshoots from orbiter: - go to youre screen shoot position - select "camera ground view" - unselect "targed track mode" - take the first shoot for the left eye, copy it to any picture editor (for example use MS Paint), paste the shoot and save the file - go back to orbiter, move the camera a little bit right (linear, down'T rotate !) - take a second screenshoot and - paste it again in youre picture editor, - save the file againt (with a new name) - open spm - select: File > open Left Right picture, select the 2 pictures u have saved - select the 3d mode you want (color, b/w, red cyan,...) - and: there is youre picture ! - save it and enjoye rg Topper

Filename: orbiter_3d.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 7th August 2006, 00:34:59
Downloads: 292
Author: Topper
Size: 4180kb

4 and 5 Segment Solid Rocket Boosters, External Tank .3DS Meshes ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This is a .3ds mesh file for developers of Orbiter. This mesh is free to modify and use, but please give credit where credit is due. Thanx. If you make a cool add-on, please drop me a line and show off your handy work.

Filename: solid_rocket_boosters.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 11th September 2005, 22:49:23
Downloads: 348
Author: Carlos Santos
Size: 399kb

Advanced Fuel System ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Complete and integrated fuel system for Orbiter spacefract. For use in refueling/defueling operations as well as internal fuel transfers in orbit. Indludes: Two fuel transfer pumps complete with spool times, governors, safety trips, pump temperature, and qusi-realistic fluid physics for static and dynamic pressure in the system. Ability to address up to 10 tanks per vessel with differening transfer rates and fuel temperature. Internal tank-to-tank transfers and refueling/defueling to and from remote tanks on docked ships. Transfer manifold for filling or refueling multiple tanks at the same time. Vessel and MFD independant operation, meaning the system continues to operate weather you're piloting the vessel or have switched to another one. An integraded MFD for controlling the fuel system. A 31-page users manual including detail on pump preformance, a system diagram, and step-by-step example procedures. PDF format with complete bookmarks and embedded cross-references. This is half a beta at the present. While it gets the job done it's boud to be rough around the edges in some places.

Filename: fuelsystem.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 13th March 2005, 02:53:16
Downloads: 3411
Author: Imaginos
Size: 1323kb

AeroBrakeMFD ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This MFD caluclates the flight path of a space ship in the atmosphere of a planet. It' s useful to guide the ship during the reentry.

Filename: aerobrake.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 24th February 2006, 04:22:15
Downloads: 907
Author: Gregorio Piccoli
Size: 269kb

Airbasesv1.0 ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Airbases v1.0 for Orbiter version 031105. Airbases are Andrews, Area51, Eglin, Elmendorf, Nellis, Patrick, and Shaw.

Filename: airbasesv1.0.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 7th December 2003, 03:15:11
Downloads: 1729
Author: Len Jarrett
Size: 222kb

AlignPlane II ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This is a refinement of the default Align Orbital Plane of Orbiter. It contains a fully functional FDAI which enables the positionning of the spacecraft before the maneuver. Both Inclinaison and LAN can be precisely targeted.

Filename: alignplaneii.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 14th November 2003, 19:41:01
Downloads: 2614
Author: Y. Ruggeri
Size: 1404kb

Alpha Centuri Enhancement Addon 1 ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
Updated correction. An enhancement package for the Alpha Centuri addon for Orbiter. Included in this enhancement pack are full color planetary and moon maps for most of the systems in the Alpha Centuri system, 3 new planets, a correction to orbital data for planet Alpha7, an updated alpha_centuri.cfg file, including the fix from the patch, and a new base on Alpha2a with accompianing new scenareo. Planet 3 now works! It is a Venus type of moon 2.5 AU away from the star. The crash to desktop when you exit Orbiter is no more. I desided to release future updates like this, as a numbered enhancement pack instead of re-releasing the entire 5 meg system. Each enhancement pack will be numbered numerically if and when I do a new update. Any future updates will require all past enhancement packs installed.

Filename: alpha_centuri_enhancements_1.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 6th January 2003, 23:41:10
Downloads: 4418
Author: Jim Williams
Size: 2441kb

Alpha Centuri Solar System 1.0 Correction Patch ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
A patch for the Alpha_Centuri.cfg file to correct an error in the config file dealing with some of the moons of Alpha 6. Basically a small repair of the Alpha_Centuri.cfg file. In debugging the final version, I tested diffrent scenereos. During construction of the Alpha_Centuri.cfg, I created a test config file not meant for release. That file was inadvertantly added to the final release. The system will still work, but visiting some moons at Alpha6 will plant you right in the middle of the star. Requirements for the patch: The Orbiter simulator program The Alpha_Centuri Solar System 1.0 addon

Filename: alpha_centuri_patch01.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 4th January 2003, 22:38:23
Downloads: 4154
Author: Jim Williams
Size: 1kb

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