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Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Aasiaat BGAA on the west coast of Greenland ZipDive!  Download

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I wrote that Qikiqtarjuaq, on the east coast of Baffin Island, was the jumping off airfield for ferry flights for small planes from Canada to Europe via Greenland. Aasiaat is the airfield in Greenland that they jump to, 300 miles across the Davis Strait. The airfield is on the northern coast of Aasiaat Island, and the town of the same name is just two miles to the west. The runway is 2,600 feet of asphalt almost 100 feet wide and lit, at 74 feet ASL, aligned 12/30, with the apron and terminal building at the western end. Air Greenland run regular flights with a Dash-7 or 8, & Twin Otters, and the markings for the taxiway and parking spot in front of the terminal are exactly as they were six years ago. I have seen video since then that has further taxiway and parking spot markings added in, but I like the simplicity of the original. Unfortunately, given the limitations of FS and the single runway and simple taxiway routing there was no way to replicate both the parking facing away from the terminal AND the "through" taxiing to complete the circle back to the runway; after parking correctly the AI Air Greenland Dash-8 will reverse before heading out to take off. There is both JetA and 100LL fuel available. The surrounding area is rocky, and there is no grass around the runway; the airfield has compacted gravel instead.

Filename: aasiaat.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 26th March 2012, 11:01:16
Downloads: 667
Author: Roger Wensley
Size: 2876kb

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