File Description: For Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel.
This folder contains 6 types of EICAS (Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System) for BAE146, B747, A380, A340, an all types in one and a single full display EICAS. Each aircraft has 3 EICAS, EICAS2 and 3 provide same information indifferent ways.
EICAS 1 provides: N1, EPR, EGT, N1 bug, Throttle lever bar, Reverse text, Pitch trim, Spoilers, Gears position, Flaps position, TAT, Total fuel quantity. Left knob adjusts Spoilers. Right knob adjusts N1 bug.
EICAS 2 provides: N2, Fuel flow, Oil pressure, Oil temperature, Engine vibration, Throttle lever bar, All individual fuel tanks quantity, total fuel quantity. No action with knobs.
EICAS 3 provides same as EICAS 2 but all left fuel tanks quantity, all center fuel tanks quantity, all right fuel tanks quantity, aileron trim and rudder trim.