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Category: Flight Simulator X - Original Aircraft
JELAIR - Maersk Air, Boeing 737-2L9 (OY-MBZ) - version 3 ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
This aircraft (for FSX, with update-patch #2) is a simulated replica of Maersk Air's 'Pocket Rocket' OY-MBZ (a Boeing 737-2L9 a.k.a. 737-200/Advanced) anno 1989. It is designed for a screen-resolution of 1280x1024. Other resolutions have not been tested. It will NOT work correctly in FS2004 (FS9). It has been tested on Windows XP (32bit) and Windows 7 (64bit) only. It is designed to be as realistic as possible, and flight-experience from the real aircraft, as well as large amounts of documentation, have been used to get it as accurate as possible. It has a fairly advanced panel with many systems simulated, such as a passenger oxygen system, a cabin pressure system, anti-skid brakes, EPR control of each engine (with the possibility of asymmetric thrust), IVSI with TCAS, Sperry SP177 autopilot with working CWS and level-change button, active yaw-damper, Quality-of-flight index (so you can see how well you operate the aircraft), windshield wiper, custom flight-computer, automatic Vspeeds for takeoff and landing, takeoff trim calculator, master caution system, PAX simulator (if you make a mistake they may die), a JT8D-17 engine with slow spin-up time (do not idle it on approach). It features a relatively realistic random-failures/error simulation which will trigger, or de-trigger, any of a variety of possible failures/errors (from small gauge-errors to large engine-failures or cabin de-compression). The chance of a failure/error is very low (you may never even get one, but they can happen, so stay alert), maybe less than 1 percent chance per 24 hours of flight-time. It features engine-management simulation, so overheating an engine will cause it to fail (now you actually need to pay attention to the EGT during engine-startup, and have your finger ready at the fuel-cutoff switch just in case you need to save the engine from heat-damage). It features sounds recorded from the actual aircraft (OY-MBZ).

This is the third release of this JELAIR addon. A very big thank you to all the following very talented people that participated directly or in-directly in the production of this add-on: Original Model by Erick Cantu, Original Panel by Pablo Contouris, Original Panel BMP by Bob Scott, Original Panel Gauges by Ken Mitchell, Doug Dawson, Pierre Fasseaux, SPanel, www.FS2X.com, Original Sound by Christoffer Petersen, Original Textures by Henry William, FDE, various modifications and adjustments for aircraft type, as well as additional gauges and sounds by JELAIR

Filename: boeing7372l9maerskairoymbzv3.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 16th April 2011, 13:52:24
Downloads: 6996
Author: Erick Cantu, Pablo Contouris, Bob Scott, Ken Mitchell, Doug Dawson, Pierre Fasseaux, Christoffer Petersen, Henry William, Jacob Larsen
Size: 81434kb

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