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Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Lechfeld, v2 ZipDive!  Download

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This airbase, located about 35 NM in the west of Munich (Bavaria, South Germany), is the homebase of JaBoG32 riding the Tornado PA200. The German flight check department GMFS, using C-47 in the early days and thereafter Hawker-Siddeley 748 as well as HS-125 for periodic recalibration of the radar- and navigational equipment at civil and military airfields, was also on the base till 1994. After the final decision was made not to establish commercial air traffic although it had been discussed for a long time period, I reworked the airbase completely. Among other objects, 38 hardened shelters for combat aircraft have been emplaced. The included AI-Package contains: Lockheed F-104E GAF, Panavia Tornado PA200 GAF, Mikoyan MiG-29 GAF, Douglas C-47 GAF, Canberra B.20 GAF, Boeing E3A Nato, Boeing KC-135 USAF and an aircraft.cfg for the MS Learjet 45. Several F104's, Tornadoes and MiGs perform touch and goes in the local area, a Nato E3A leaves IFR to Geilenkirchen (ETNG), an USAF KC-135 routes IFR to Decimomannu (LIED), a Canberra B.20 (was used for high altitude validations) goes IFR to Cologne (EDDK) high in the sky and a Learjet shoots IFR to Bremen (EDDW) per attached flight plan. Lago's FSE is required in order to see most of the emplaced buildings /objects. Lets get ready to rumble, but keep in mind, don't argue with the flight checkers if they are on duty.

Filename: lechfeld-v2_fs2004_287417.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 12th April 2011, 13:26:46
Downloads: 1397
Author: Klaus Jone
Size: 5598kb

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