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Category: Flight Simulator X - Utilities
Boeing 737-800 NGX fuel planner ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This fuel planner was created from data collected by kACARS_free during flights test, and from the PMDG's tutorial, the result is approximate but corresponds to consumption relative with the consumption of the NGX.

Filename: 737_800_ngx_fuel_planner.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 3rd February 2013, 00:14:44
Downloads: 1561
Author: Frederic FURST
Size: 57kb

Category: Flight Simulator X - Utilities
Boeing 737-800 NGX Fuel Planner 1 ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This fuel planner was created from data collected by kACARS_free during flights test, and from the PMDG's tutorial, the result is approximate but corresponds to consumption relative with the consumption of the NGX. Small modification of the first version and you have now two sheets, pounds and kilogramme.

Filename: 737_800_ngx_fuel_planner_1.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 6th February 2013, 12:26:34
Downloads: 6163
Author: Frederic Furst
Size: 106kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications
Boeing 737NG Business Jets & Military Variants Complete MOD ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
This is a complete MOD for the PMDG 737NG series (must be purchased separately). PMDG 737NG & 800/900 is required & to be FULLY patched including 600/700 model updates. All required information/docs included. This MOD includes completely reworked configs to create accurate Business Jets & Military variants from the PMDG 737NG, includes configs, textures & loadmanager settings for the USN & USAF C-40A, USN MMA, RAAF 737-7DT, BBJ (x3), BBJ2 (x1). Accurate fuel, loading, engines thrust data makes for a different experience that that of a 737NG airliner. This MOD will not affect any other airliner variants you have installed.

Filename: pmdg_bbjmil.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 16th August 2004, 23:18:57
Downloads: 12033
Author: Laurie Gregoire
Size: 22410kb

Category: Flight Simulator X - Utilities
Boeing 747-400 Fuel Calculator ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Boeing 747-400 Fuel Calculator is a quick, easy and precise tool that helps any simmer pilot with fuel load planning. The program is usefull for Boeing 747-400 only and based on real procedures and data tables provided in PMDG 747-400 Manual. This program operates with standard units only! Please, let me know if anybody interested in metric units!

Filename: boeing_747-400_fuel_calculator.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 8th March 2008, 11:34:03
Downloads: 5381
Author: Lev Feldman
Size: 41kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Miscellaneous Files
Boeing 747-400 Fuel Planner ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
PMDG 747-400 Fuel Planner in .xls File for quicker fuel planning.. version 2

Filename: pmdg_fuel_planner.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 25th May 2008, 15:38:32
Downloads: 2742
Author: David Bayyari
Size: 202kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Utilities
Boeing 747-400 Fuel Planner v2.01 - GUI version ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Fuel Planner for PMDG 747-400 based on data published in PMDG Manual section 2-5. This is the GUI version with many improvements

Filename: fuelplanner_v2.01.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 10th September 2005, 12:25:44
Downloads: 22925
Author: Felice Valente
Size: 59kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Miscellaneous Files
Boeing Fuel Planning Sheets ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
Fuel planning sheets in PDF format for the simmer who wants to control the fuel and weights and like to have printed sheets for preflight. Numbers for all weight limitations on on all the models on the sheets. Numbers based on official Boeing numbers. LBS and KG versions. A generic without numbers as well. Models are: B736-B737-B738-B739-B744-B752-B753-B763-B772-B773 Version are based on those PSS-PMDG and LDS simulate. But you can surely use them with whichever addon aircraft you have.

Filename: fuelsheets_v1.0.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 1st December 2008, 08:12:45
Downloads: 1441
Author: Tommy Hansen
Size: 879kb

Category: Miscellaneous Files - General Utilities
Flight plan management table ZipDive!  Download

File Description:
THe Flight management table is an excel file which will help you to monitor weights and time of your flight plan. You can insert the following info: -Departure -Arrival -Callsign -Flight number -Route distance -Number of pax -Cost index -Cruise altitude -Block fuel, taxi fuel, trip fuel, extra fuel, reserve fuel You can also manage time by inserting simulation date, start time, cockpit preparation time and many more. The file also gives you an advice if you make a mistake and will calculate the fuel you have to burn if you have to perform an emergency landing but you are above the max landing weight. The excel file will then calculate zero fuel weight, gross weight, takeoff and landing weights based on the "active aircraft management table". It will also calculate off and on block time as well as takeoff and landing time. You can use this file with any aircraft by adding tamplates to it or using one that is already in the file. At present the tamplates available are: X plane -Flight Factor A320 Ultimate -Zibo mod B738 -IXEG B733 -Aerobask Eclipse 550NG Prepar3d/Flight sim X -PMDG B738 NGX -Majestic Dash 8 Q400 Creating a new tamplate is easy. All you need to do is having weights info about the aircraft you wish to add in hand. The file is under development which means that I am going to add new feature to it. A good breefing is the first step for a good flight.

Filename: flight_management_table_v1.01_by_luca_tessieri.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 9th August 2018, 14:21:41
Downloads: 327
Author: Luca Tessieri
Size: 18kb

Category: Prepar3D V1-4 - Utilities
Flightplan Visualizer 1.14 ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
Flightplan Visualizer (FV) version 1.14.0. Copyright 2018-2019 by Pelle F. S. Liljendal (pelle@liljendal.dk), all rights reserved. FV comes with 629 pre-imported Commercial AI flightplans (+380 BizJet flightplans are available as a separate download). However you are able to import additional (AI) flightplans yourself. Once imported these (AI) flightplans can be visualized on a map-view, and the user will be able to search accross all these. Hence you can use the program as inspiration as to which routes to fly. E.g. you can search across all imported flightplans to find all flights in an A321 flying into/out from LDDU, or simply to look for all flights in a Boeing 747-8F. Simply run the included installer to install the software. The program will be installed into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flightplan Visualizer" and all datafiles will be installed into: "C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\FlightplanVisualizer". The program comes with a full manual explaining everything, and a 3 page quick manual to get you started. The first 3 times you run the program the quick manual will automatically open. The forum is hosted here: https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/forum/919-flightplan-visualizer/ Version 1.14 Contains the following changes: - Flightplan file-format was changed, to accommodate changes to the airline-data. In previous versions the airline ICAO-code had to be unique, hence not allowing old defunct airlines still remaining in the data-file when a new airline would be issued the same ICAO-code (now they can both exists, and many of the defunct have been marked as defunct). - On start-up old flightplans in enabled folders will automatically be updated to the new format. If you have sub-folders containing additional flightplans, you should make sure these are enabled, in order to have these updated as well. Once they have been updated you can go ahead and disable these sub-folders again as you please. - Its now possible to add user defined airlines, in case you want to add you own fictitious airlines (e.g. VA's) or you want to add airlines missing in the official data-files that I supply with the program (if this is the case, please notify me, so I can add these in the next release of the program). - "Favorite aircraft" have been renamed into "Favorite aircraft-types", as it is the "types" of aircraft you mark. You don't mark a particular aircraft/cofiguration (like the PMDG B737-800 NGXu) as your favorite, but rather the "type" (B737-800). The file containing the (active) favorite aircraft-type selection was renamed as well (you don't have to do anything, the file is automatically renamed on start-up). - Added a new Unit-Conversion form, letting the user convert units of: Speed, Lenght/Distance, Weight/Volume, Pressure and Temperature. The Weight/Volumne conversions is a bit special as it lets the user convert between weight (kg/lbs) and volume (liter/gal), thanks to a Fuel Density that defaults to 0.785, but can be changed by the user. - All search-forms (seaching for airport, aircraft and airline) was changed to ignore whitespeaces (e.g. "airBaltic" vs. "air Baltic"), and ignore diacritics (e.g. "AerolĂ­nea" vs. "Aerolinea"), making it more easy to find what you are searching for in one go. - The airline search-form will by default exclude airlines that have been marked as defunct. However a new "Include defunct" check-box have been added to the form, allowing you to include these (who am I to say you can not still use "Air Berlin", "Monarch" or "Thomas Cook" flightplans if you want to). - Added 3 new columns to the airline search form showing commence/cease-date, and wheter or not the airline is "in use" (as carrier/operator by any of the active fligthplans). - State is now by default excluded when using the airport search form, which make it a lot more convenient to find airports in the city of "New York". State can still be included in the search by choosing a different search-type using the combo-box in the upper/right corner. - When Flightplan Visualizer needs for perform potentially lengthy operations it will spread the workload over the available cores of the CPU. However if you want to limit which cores it uses you can now set the affinity-mask in the settings form. - The splash-screen shown when the program starts, and when reloading active flightplans was prevoiusly always shown on top (top-most), but if you find this anoying it can now be disabled in settings. - Fixed: Warnings/errors regarding loading flightplans were only displayed at start-up. Now they are shown whenever all active flightplans are loaded (e.g. after having enabled a sub-folder). - Data: The airline-data got a major update, and a bunch of new airlines were added, and the data for MANY others were updated. It is a manual process to update these, almost as funny to do as to watch paint dry ;-) - Data: A few countries had a wrong- or no sub-region code, so these were fixed/updated. As usual, if any of you spot any erros, or missing data, please use the forum to notify me. - Data: Additional info added to the aircraft-data (in preparation for some future plans). - Flightplans: All flightplans bundled with the installer have been updated to the new file-format. - Flightplans: Thanks to Ryan Carson (RCAI) for allowing me to bundle the installer with a few of his flightplans, so the installer comes with the very first winter 2019-2020 flightplan. - Flightplans: The good people over at AIG (Alpha India Group) have been VERY busy since the last release, hence the installer comes with +130 new pre-imported flightplans, bringing the total to 629. This update concludes Summer 2019, and AIG already have the first Winter 2019/2020 flight-plans in beta-test. Pelle

Filename: flightplanvisualizerinstaller_1_14_0.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 10th December 2019, 06:59:46
Downloads: 362
Author: Pelle Liljendal
Size: 31754kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Utilities
Fuel and Payload Calculator B737NG and B757 ** Update ** ZipDive!  Download

Images related to this file:

File Description:
This file contains a spreadsheet template in OpenDocument format to prepare your flight ! Prepare your route, then, using planning tables and filling the fuel and weight form, prepare your payload estimation in this document. A copy of some tables (weights and limitations) for the B737 NG are embedded. A fuel calculator is also embbeded. It will provide automatic fuel load suggestion for each flight once you have completed your flight level and time of flight (based on linear interpolation of a real world flight planning table). Of course you can erase any suggestion with your own value. When it is done, go to the dispatcher briefing tab. Sign it to complete it automatically with some captain notes. In the end, export the dispatcher briefing as a selection in PDF if you wish. Fully reliable when used with your aircraft tables, this document uses the fuel planning methodology described in a PMDG manual and has been validated against a real B737-800 dispatcher briefing. The file contains two templates with automatic fuel load calculation (one for the 737NG, the other for the 757) and two templates without the linear interpolation module (for the Avro RJ and for the B727).

Filename: previsions-carburant-rj-737-727_309163.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 11th February 2013, 20:29:55
Downloads: 588
Author: Geoffrey Fernandez
Size: 3538kb

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