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Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alps LOD10 Topo Mesh - Austria and Italy ZipDive!  Download

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Yet another terrain mesh package of the European Alps? Well, this one is different in that it is NOT primarily based on the Shuttle Radar (SRTM) data with their incomplete coverage of prominent peaks and ridges. Instead, most of the source data for this project were developed over many months by Jonathan de Ferranti using detailed topographic maps. While Jonathan's work is unrelated to flight simulation he kindly gave me permission to compile his data for use in FS. The result is a wonderful improvement in detail and accuracy over any existing SRTM- or DTED-based mesh file, freeware or commercial (a link to an extensive set of screenshot comparisons is included in the read-me file).

I've compiled the source data at LOD10 (38-m) grid resolution because the coverage area is smaller than most existing mesh files. Thus, anyone can use these files without having to first uninstall their current mesh set. Also included are LOD9 and LO8 buffer mesh files. Note: if you own Austria Professional 2004 with its 1:50,000 scale terrain mesh then you don't need this package!

Filename: alpse_fe.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 30th May 2010, 09:46:58
Downloads: 62885
Author: Holger Sandmann, Jonathan de Ferranti
Size: 75080kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alps LOD10 Topo Mesh - Switzerland and France ZipDive!  Download

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File Description:
Yet another terrain mesh package of the European Alps? Well, this one is different in that it is NOT primarily based on the Shuttle Radar (SRTM) data with their incomplete coverage of prominent peaks and ridges. Instead, most of the source data for this project were developed over many months by Jonathan de Ferranti using detailed topographic maps. While Jonathan's work is unrelated to flight simulation he kindly gave me permission to compile his data for use in FS. The result is a wonderful improvement in detail and accuracy over any existing SRTM- or DTED-based mesh file, freeware or commercial (a link to an extensive set of screenshot comparisons is included in the read-me file).

I've compiled the source data at LOD10 (38-m) grid resolution because the coverage area is smaller than most existing mesh files. Thus, anyone can use these files without having to first uninstall their current mesh set. Also included are LOD9 and LO8 buffer mesh files. Note: if you own Switzerland Professional with its high-resolution terrain mesh then you don't need this package, at least not the Switzerland files!

Filename: alpsw_fe.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 30th May 2010, 09:51:03
Downloads: 58911
Author: Holger Sandmann, Jonathan de Ferranti
Size: 51234kb

Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Scenery
Alps LOD10 Topo Mesh - Update 1 ZipDive!  Download

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Patch files to remove tall spike in terrain near Salzburg at N47 44´ E13 00´ and to add the missing/distorted peaks of La Grande Moucherolle at N45 00´ E5 34´ and Mont Aiguille at N44 50' E5 33'.

Requires the full version of our Alps LOD10 mesh files, alpse_fe.zip and alpsw_fe.zip. Source data by Jonathan de Ferranti, compiled for FS by Holger Sandmann. Fully compatible with FS2002. A big thank-you to those who reported the "Salzbug" and the missing peaks in the French Alps.

Filename: alps_up1.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 9th February 2006, 15:02:59
Downloads: 32327
Author: Holger Sandmann, Jonathan de Ferranti
Size: 2635kb

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